Blog and News

More than £1 million for 10 new #DRILLUK research

More than £1 million for 10 new #DRILLUK research projects led by disabled people. Thanks to @BigLotteryFund…

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RT @DisRightsUK: More than £1 million for 10 new

RT @DisRightsUK: More than £1 million for 10 new #DRILLUK research projects led by disabled people. Thanks to…

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The latest Ability Daily!

The latest Ability Daily! #drilluk

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@DrRSSlack1 Thanks Roger. We have two years of act

@DrRSSlack1 Thanks Roger. We have two years of action research and a partnership of five awesome organisations to m…

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DMU awarded @BigLotteryFund money to explore emplo

DMU awarded @BigLotteryFund money to explore employment challenges for people with sickle cell disorders 👉…

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Not bad going for people who were written off by t

Not bad going for people who were written off by the job centre and most of society as unable to run their own busi…

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Massive congratulations to Anne, Mal, and Alan @Ba

Massive congratulations to Anne, Mal, and Alan @Barod_CIC for winning a #drilluk award. And to work with…

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@rachelgwenllian @BigLotteryFund @drill_uk Thank y

@rachelgwenllian @BigLotteryFund @drill_uk Thank you. We can’t wait to see what we all learn and achieve in the next two years #DRILLUK

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@PeopleFirstDor @SFWales @mylifemychoice1 @CarmsPF

@PeopleFirstDor @SFWales @mylifemychoice1 @CarmsPF Can’t wait for the Big Think. The next two years are going to be…

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£145k for England’s @worcester_uni to explore bar

£145k for England’s @worcester_uni to explore barriers affecting disabled people being foster parents via #DRILLUK…

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